Friday, April 9, 2010


Years ago, I was on Yahoo Messenger, and this guy found me online. We talked several times, and since he was coming up to Lexington for work, we decided to meet up for a beer. I wasn't attracted, based on the photo he'd sent, but I took a chance and met up with him anyway. After all, what did I have to lose? I wasn't attracted in person, either, and since he was in Owensboro, and I haven't gotten past the idea of long-distance dating (beyond maybe an 80-mile distance), I sent him to the proverbial left. I thought he would stay there, but I was wrong. He IMed today. Here's how it went. [My thoughts are in the brackets.]

OwenSBoro: hi how are u
Dana: ok
Dana: how are you?
OwenSBoro: good
OwenSBoro: ur in lexington right?
Dana: yes
OwenSBoro: u remember me?
OwenSBoro: it's ok if u don't
OwenSBoro: been a long time
OwenSBoro: i think we met like 4 years ago at Ocharleys
OwenSBoro: I"m neil in owensboro
Dana: yes, I remember
OwenSBoro: do u really
Dana: yes
Dana: I remember meeting at O'Charley's

[Really, it was the O'Charley's part that jogged my memory, not him.]

OwenSBoro: i enjoyed u very much, if i were closer i probally would of tried to date u
Dana: thanks

[Thank God for distance, so I didn't have to figure out how to get rid of him.]

OwenSBoro: u still single?
Dana: I've dated since then, but I am currently single
OwenSBoro: gotcha
OwenSBoro: got any new pics
Dana: no

[total lie - I'm always taking new photos]

OwenSBoro: can u email
Dana: sorry
OwenSBoro: oh ok
OwenSBoro: u on facebook?
Dana: I'm actually happy being single
OwenSBoro: well that is good
OwenSBoro: i just got out of a relationship 4 months ago
OwenSBoro: and i'm happy too for now
Dana: you should be happy regardless :)
OwenSBoro: lol why?
Dana: because being in a relationship shouldn't be the reason you're happy
Dana: you should be happy anyway
OwenSBoro: oh i agree, but it is something i enjoy from time to time
OwenSBoro: miss the sex though
Dana: that sucks
OwenSBoro: yeah
Dana: there's more to life, though
OwenSBoro: lol, i know but it is hard when ur a guy
OwenSBoro: and u were getting some regualry for 2 yrs
Dana: I guess
OwenSBoro: lol, u don't think so
Dana: I plead the 5th
OwenSBoro: lol
OwenSBoro: u should still be in ur prime
OwenSBoro: do u have a freinds with benefits?
Dana: well, that's my business
OwenSBoro: ok i'll stop
Dana: thank you
OwenSBoro: uw
OwenSBoro: what is ur first name again
Dana: Dana
OwenSBoro: yeah
OwenSBoro: what do u do for a living
Dana: I work in billing
OwenSBoro: gotcha
OwenSBoro: what do u do for fun
Dana: reading, going to live shows
Dana: the usual
Dana: you?
OwenSBoro: love the outdoors, sports, stuff like going to movies
OwenSBoro: stuf like that
OwenSBoro: i remember u being highly attractive
Dana: thanks
OwenSBoro: ur welcome
OwenSBoro: so u wouldn't date if the right opprunutiy came up
OwenSBoro: or are u just not looking for that

[Sure I would, but I'm not out there, pounding the pavement, so to speak.]

Dana: looking for what?
OwenSBoro: looking for relationship?
Dana: I'm not, really
OwenSBoro: i gotcha
OwenSBoro: are u looking for anything?
OwenSBoro: freinds, freinds with beneftis, etc
Dana: no
OwenSBoro: gotcha
OwenSBoro: do i need to leave u alone?
Dana: no, but I'm leaving for lunch soon
OwenSBoro: oh ok
OwenSBoro: are u on facebook?
Dana: yes
OwenSBoro: what is ur last name
Dana: I'd rather not say
OwenSBoro: oh i'm sorry
OwenSBoro: not a stalker
Dana: I know
OwenSBoro: just wanted to see ur pic
Dana: why do you want to see it?
Dana: out of curiosity?
OwenSBoro: yes
Dana: no sense in seeing it if I'm not wanting to date :)
OwenSBoro: i know i just was curious
OwenSBoro: seeing how my memory was
OwenSBoro: lol
Dana: what do you remember me looking like?
OwenSBoro: lol
OwenSBoro: dark hair, very attracitve face
OwenSBoro: olive type skin
OwenSBoro: i remember thinking u were a goregous woman

[OK, so the guy may not have been attractive, but he's not stupid. ;)]

Dana: dark hair, yes, but I couldn't be more pale
OwenSBoro: who would age well, lol
Dana: guess the memory fades after time
OwenSBoro: is olive and pale not the same

[Scratch that "not stupid" comment.]

OwenSBoro: lol
Dana: no - olive is what Italian/Greek women are
OwenSBoro: oh
OwenSBoro: that is why i wanted to see a pic
Dana: oh well
OwenSBoro: lol
OwenSBoro: i don't wanna bother u dana
OwenSBoro: glad things are going well
Dana: thanks
Dana: hope you find someone soon
Dana: to date or otherwise
Dana: I'm going to head to lunch
Dana: have a good day
OwenSBoro: have a good one, good to talk to u again

[Sorry I can't say the same.]

Dana: bye

And then I blocked him. Now he's staying to the left, like he should have before.

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