Thursday, June 7, 2007

Where to start...

As Dave Matthews sang, there's "so much to say." I have a few ideas floating around for blogs. I guess I'll start with the most recent one. I just got back from Louisville - all of the billing coordinators were there for "training," which basically was a "let's go over the changes to the new billing system, which you may or may not ever use." My co-biller and I had heard that we would be done today around 12, which ended up being true. We ate lunch and were done around 1:30 or so. She had already pretty well decided that she was going back to work when she got back to Lexington, which everyone thought was crazy. But she's not done packing up her desk so she can move this weekend to another floor, and she has bills that apparently HAVE to be run (heh, like all of the out-of-towners don't!), so she decided to go in, which makes me look bad, because I opted not to. Our Nashville billing coordinator isn't going in, and she'll be back at 2 her time. She said something about having to take PTO (personal time off) for the time that she didn't go back into work if she didn't go, and she didn't want to do that. I seriously doubt we'll have to take PTO. I think she'll really just screw herself out of a free afternoon off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would hate to be her. Geez it must suck to not have a life.