Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day Two

I guess I should explain that the information I'll put at the top of the blog closest to my weigh-in relates to my net weight lost, and the current goal I have, not necessarily my ultimate goal. My ultimate goal is somewhere in the ballpark of 90 lbs., but that's pretty overwhelming, so I'm taking it in increments so it'll seem more reachable. Yep, that's something they teach you at Weight Watchers (aka WW) so you'll stay encouraged. And for those who don't know, they reward you for just about everything. Every 5 lbs. you lose, hitting your 5% goal, 10% goal, 25 lbs. lost, etc. You'd be surprised how excited people get over receiving stickers and trinkets for their achievements. So my first goal is to lose 15 lbs., and once I hit that goal, I'll set another one.

So today was the first day of the first week of WW-while-blogging. I did OK. I ate pizza for lunch, which wasn't exactly healthy, but I budgeted points for it. That's the beauty of WW - you can eat whatever you want, as long as you count it. Dinner wasn't so healthy either, and I blame equal parts lack of discipline and lack of planning. I really didn't have anything on hand that would have been that fulfilling of a meal, so I had mac & cheese from a can. But I counted it, and I counted everything else for the day, dipping into the extra allotment of points as needed. Tomorrow will hopefully be a better day, but as of now, I have no idea what I'll be consuming at lunch or dinner. I am going to do my best to get a workout in, too, since the goal this week is to work out 2-3 times, and I can't rely on myself to stick to the Saturday-Sunday combo I have in mind. Maybe I'll walk down to the library to take my book back and stop off at Sunrise Bakery for a turkey sammich. Tomorrow's supposed to be pretty nice, albeit windy.

I think I'll go try and come up with some meal ideas for the week before I head off to la-la land. Gotta get my sleep in - there's an article in Glamour this month that talks about how 5 women tested the theory that more sleep leads to better weight loss (, and apparently, it works. So, off I go, until tomorrow. Here's hoping I make better choices tomorrow!

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