Friday, March 20, 2009

Thinking healthier

Don't you wish sometimes that the effort put into having good intentions regarding nutrition/fitness was enough to count toward weight loss? Kind of like the steps on your pedometer can be counted toward earning activity points for the day (every movement counts!). I've been thinking about eating more healthfully and exercising more off and on all day, and it would be nice if the thoughts counted for something. Right now, I'm taking a break from making a list of healthy recipes I'd like to try, and dreaming about what I want to look for when I go to Good Foods Coop/Whole Foods this weekend. I hate to not go only to GFC, since I've been on a bit of a "buy local" kick lately, but I think WF is bigger and has more stuff to look at. I guess no one says I can't go to both. Anyway, I've been reading Dietgirl's blog for days now, and her enthusiasm for eating right, cooking, and her general zeal for healthful foods (mostly veggies) is infectious. I don't think I've ever thought this much about adding veggies to my diet before. She's got this really cool opportunity where she lives - there's a service in the UK that ships a box of random veggies to your house, and the challenge is to ID whatever isn't familiar and figure out how to consume it before it goes bad. Even if they had that here, I think it would be pretty ambitious of me to start getting something like that delivered, since it's always been somewhat of a chore to add vegetables into my meals. But it's a nice thought.

Anyway, I hope I can continue these good thoughts so maybe I'll eat less (crap), and the same effect will happen to my thoughts of exercise. I read a great quote in an old entry on Dietgirl's blog today that helps: "It's such a high to feel your body doing what it's meant to doing... moving! Stretching! Being challenged. Kick ass." I don't know if I would quite go that far at this point, but I know from the past that it is empowering to work out. I wish I hadn't fallen so far out of the habit of working out. But I've reformed the habit before, and I know I can and will do it again. So, in the words of DG, "onward and downward... kick ass!"

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